• Energy Saving Tips

  • 10. Change habits to conserve energy, like turning off the lights when you leave a room.
    9. Understand how your home uses energy.

  • 8. Insulate your house.
    7. Weatherize your house. Seal leaks with:

    • Caulk between materials that DON’T move, like around the chimney and outdoor overhangs.
    • Weather stripping around pieces that DO move, like windows and doors.

    6. Reduce leaks in ducts.
    5. Reduce heating usage in the winter.

    • Set your thermostat to 70° or lower when home and lower when you are asleep or away.
  • 4. Reduce air conditioning usage in the summer.

    • Set your thermostat to a temperature that is as high as you can tolerate. The recommended setting is 78° or higher when you are home and higher when you are asleep or away.
  • 3. Improve the efficiency of your HVAC system.

    • Replace air filters every month.
    • Upgrade your system - higher efficiency central air conditioners use about 14% less energy. 

    2. Replace inefficient appliances with ENERGY STAR® models.

    • Household appliances account for about 13% of the average home electric bill.
    • ENERGY STAR appliances use 10-20% less energy than standard appliances. This helps save money and the environment.
    • Learn more about ENERGY STAR certified products.

    1. Change to energy efficient light bulbs.

    • Lighting makes up about 12% of your home's energy usage.
    • LED bulbs use 70-90% less energy and last up to 25 times longer.